Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is not a crime. This is TEAMWORK!!

talking to a friend. looking in someone's paper. asking a seatmate.
sounds so much familar right?! haha.! when do we usually do these things?

assignments. quizzes. long tests & exams.!
these are the usual things that causes our stress, makes our heads ache && most of the times the reason for oour change moods.
as a student, it is really not that easy to comply all of these especially if you have series of these in different subjects in the same week.
pressure.! pressure.! pressure.! i know right.! i am also one of those students who cram during deadlines of submission.

what are you thinking for a solution?!
finish the task ahead of time. study hard and blah.blah.blah.! awww.! ur such a good student friend.!
because of cramming, 'good' students are forced to CHEAT.!

what basically is cheating?!
when i asked my friends about this, they said:
"according to our physics & chemistry teacher, CHEATING is an art but once you are caught, then it becomes a crime.!"
another one said that, "that is a talent.!" haha.!

why do students cheat?! in my own opinion, students CHEAT b'coz we CARE.! we care not just to ourselves but as well to our families & friends.!
we value the hardwork of our parents and we care for our friends so that we can finish our studies at the right time not in 'extended' time.!
STOP blaming us for doing this.! CRIME is not always the case.! this is teamwork.!
"help each other to graduate together.!"

PS: (this is just my opinion.! don't take it too serious.! still CHEATING is not right.! we are just this caring.!)
     aww.! whatta teens mind really.! .^___^.